List of Important National & International Week

  • National Non-Smoking Week - Jan 20-26
  • Road Safety Week from - Jan 1-7
  • Parvashi Bhartiya day - Jan9-11
  • India Tourism Week - Jan 20-25
  • STI / Condom Week - Feb 10 – 16
  • Pregnancy Awareness Week - Feb 10-16
  • National Polio Eradication Awareness Week - April 6-12
  • Rail Week - April 10-16
  • Fire Service Week - April 14-20
  • Cerebral Palsy Week - May12 – 14
  • National Epilepsy Week - June 16-22
  • World Breastfeeding Week - August 1 – 7
  • Cancer Prevention Week  - August1 – 8
  • Rheumatic Fever Week - August4 – 8
  • Deaf Awareness Week - September 1- 5
  • National Nutrition week - September 1-7
  • Kidney Awareness Week - September 1-8
  • National Hindi week - September 14-20
  • Stroke Week :- September 15 – 19
  • World Retina Week - September 24 – 30
  • National Nutrition Week - October 9 – 13
  • National post week - October 9-15
  • World Bone and Joint Week - October 12 – 20
  • Obesity Week - October 15-19
  • Malaria Week - November 3 -7
  • World Wildlife Week - November 2-8
  • National Book week - November 14-20
  • National Pharmacy Week - November 18-24
  • Communal Integration Week - November 19-25


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