10 Amazing Facts About Dreams That You Might Not Even Heard Before

FACT_01. Even Blinds Can See Dreams Full of Colors

Blind people dream too. People who became blind after the birth can see images, full of colors in their dreams but who born blind can sense only voices without images. Their dreams are just as intense and interesting.

FACT_02. Most of The Inventions and Great Literary Works were Inspired by Dreams

The idea for Google - Larry Page
Alternating current generator - Tesla
DNA’s double helix spiral form - James Watson
The sewing machine - Elias Howe
Periodic table - Dimitri Mendeleev and many more.....

Rather than these invention, the great poetic work 'Kubla Khan' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge was also a productivity of his dream. Though he wrote only 54 lines (he forgot his remaining dream when disturbed).

FACT_03. You Can Never See a Stranger in Dreams Who You Never Met

Your brain can't invent human faces. The faces you see are the people you met once in your life. 

FACT_04. Your Dreams Can Make You Kill Someone!

Your Dreams Can Make You Unbelievable Sleepwalker. It is an extreme form of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep disorder. Lee Hadwin is a name famous for his 'sleep-draws', gorgeous portraits he use to paint in her sleepwalks.

Strange sleepwalking cases includes these 'adventures':
1. S E X with a stranger.
2. Murder of cousin after a long drive of 22 miles.

FACTS_05. You Might Soon Be Ready To Upload Your Dreams to Youtube!

Now science can tap into your dreams and reconstruct it to be projected on screen. Scientists at UC Berkeley are near to this milestone with their fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Technology.

FACTS_06. Do You Know? Even Your Pets Dream!

You might be surprised with this fact that your poor little pet dog can woo a bitch in its dreams :-) Ha! Its fact that animals dream too. Watch a dog or a cat sleep and you can see that they are moving their paws and making noises like they were chasing something. Go get ‘em Buddy!

FACTS_07. You Can See A Dream of Your Choice!

It's possible to learn to control your dreams and dream types. The method is called "lucid dreaming," which means that you're aware of the fact that you're dreaming. That way you have the freedom to choose how your dreams go. In most cases people turn nightmares into good dreams or fly.

A device, named The REM Dreamer can get you pretty close! It’s a sleeping mask that allows the person wearing it to become aware that they’re dreaming. The clever device does this through using infra-red sensors to detect when you’ve fallen into REM sleep and then uses light and sound to give you a reality check. This jogs you into becoming lucid in your dream setting!

FACTS_08. When you dream, your body is paralyzed

In the first 90 minutes of sleep, you go through deepening stages ranging from light sleep to deep sleep. Then you enter a phase called REM sleep (REM is short for Rapid Eye Movement) During REM sleep, the rest of your body essentially becomes paralyzed. The release of certain neurotransmitters are shut down and your large muscles do not move.

FACT_09. Not Everyone Dreams in Colors

12% of people dream in black and white. According to a study published in 2008, people under the age of 25 reported rarely ever dreaming in black and white, while those over the age of 55 claimed to dream in monochrome about a quarter of the time. This is largely attributable to the shift from black and white television to full color back in the 1940s!

FACTS_10. Even Dreams Have Gender Differences

In a dream of a man 70% of the characters are male while in women's dreams the gender ratio is 50:50. Also male dreams contain a lot more aggression. Both women and men dream about sexual themes equally often. So its not the fact that females neither see 'pleasurable' dreams nor have 'orgasms'!

A few more dreaming facts from Eastday:

1. Dreaming while snoring is impossible. Means When you are snoring, you are not dreaming.

2. Toddlers do not dream about themselves until the age of 3. From the same age, children typically see more nightmares than adults do until the age 8.
3. If you are awakened out of REM sleep, you are more likely to remember your dream in a more vivid way.


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