Functions Of An Ecosystem

An ecosystem has a broad, vast and complex dynamic system function. It can be studied under the following three heads -

Environment Science: Functions Of An Ecosystem

1. Energy Flow
2. Nutrient Cycling / Biogeochemical Cycling (Bio-geo-chemical Cycles)
3. Ecological Succession and Ecosystem Development

1. Energy Flow

Energy is the basic force responsible for all metabolic activities. The flow of energy from producer to consumer is called energy flow which is unidirectional. Here trophic (originated from trophe, means nourishment) level interaction gives an idea about the flow of energy through the ecosystem. Trophic level interaction deals with how the members of an ecosystem are connected based on nutritional needs. This energy always flows from lower (producer) to higher (herbivore, carnivore etc.) trophic level. lt never flows in the reverse direction.

Flow of Energy - Trophic (originated from trophe, means nourishment) level interaction

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