World Geography: Major Rivers of France (Map)

Most of France is drained by five major river systems, which I have drawn in below map - 'Major Rivers of France'. 
Géographie du monde: Major Rivers of France (Carte)
Grands fleuves de France - Major Rivers of France

The 5 main rivers of France are

  • The Loire River (the longest: 1,012 kilometers), 
    • Tributaries: 
      • Cher River, 
      • Creuse River and 
      • Vienne River
  • The Rhine River (the Franco-German border),
  • The Rhône River (originates from the Lake of Geneva, Switzerland), 
    • Tributaries:
      • Saone River
  • The Seine River (crossing Paris) and 
    •  Tributaries:
      • Marne River
      • Yonne River
  • The Garonne River in the South-West of France
    • Tributaries: 
      • Tarn River


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